Sunday, March 4, 2012

March update

Yes, this year is hectic. My last post was a quick update, supposed to be followed by more details, and yet it's a month later and I'm back to post another quick update.

And it's not just me. Everywhere I go people are complaining that the year is more hectic than they thought possible, that time is flying by too quickly. Maybe the Mayans were right about how time speeds up until the end of 2012.

So let me get right into it. On my new year's resolutions I'm doing OK, actually.

The ones that are going well are:
Weight loss: I've lost 4 kg so far, not a whole lot but it's going well and I'm still on track.
Be up to date on the news: My new iPhone helps a whole lot here, and do know what's going on much more than last year.
Write a paper for a professional conference: There's a decent chance that I'm going to an international conference in May to present 3 papers (one of which I'll have to write myself) - so this is on track.
Bake more: I've had to revise this resolution. For my weight loss goal I've been tracking calories and now I realise how many calories baked goods have! So I haven't done great on baking. What I've done instead is to take up 2 new hobbies: Sewing and crocheting. I absolutely love both, I'm not really good at it but I've made a few dresses for each of my girls and I've crocheted baby hats for my pregnant friends. It's fun and relaxing and not very expensive, and as a bonus I don't gain weight when I do it. So watch this space for some pics of my creations (although don't hold your breath, it might be a week or 4 before I get around to it).

Then the ones that I still need to improve on:
Exercise: This has been tricky, just to find the time. I have done one 10k race in February, but I had to walk basically all of it so clearly I've lost some momentum since 2011. I know I just need to get back in the habit but somehow tomorrow always seems like a better day to start than today. So that one is still up in the air.
Take more pictures: I have done a bit more than usual, my new phone helps but I'm not really in the new habit yet.
Advanced driving course: I've actually forgotten about this. But it's still a good plan.

In other news: Our building plans are making progress. We spoke to 5 builders in the last few weeks and they're all supposed to get their quotes to us by this time next week, so we're hoping for a few good ones. The builders all come highly recommended, and I would actually be happy to work with any of them. I just hope we can afford it!

So there you have it. I'm going to try to be back soon, I want to show you the dresses I've made!