Monday, May 28, 2012

International conference: Check!

So one item from my new year's resolutions list is done: I presented a paper at an international conference! I want to share some pics from the trip with you, and will soon - but in the meantime this is a heads-up that there is one official tick on my list of new year's resolutions.

The conference was the 2012 Johns Hopkins ACG risk adjustment in healthcare conference - a mouthful, I know. And phenomenally interesting. It was my first visit to the States, I loved every minute and would love to go back for a proper holiday at some point.

So tell me in the comments if you're still sticking to your new year's resolutions?

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Preparing for Eat for the Earth

I've neglected this blog for most of this year. I really want to get back into it, so let me tell you about the Eat for the Earth plans that we're making. 

Eat for the Earth was first run last year, when we also took part. The basic concept is pretty simple: Invite some friends over on World Environment Day, get everyone to donate money, it goes to Soil for Life. 

Yuppiechef sponsors some prizes for good entries, and we'd really like to be a serious contender this year. Last year we kept it fairly relaxed, hosted a Moroccan lunch which was awesome but we didn't really try to be as environmentally friendly as possible. This year is going to be different! 

 The final menu will only be determined once we've seen what local organic produce is available just before the event, but in principle we're going organic, vegetarian and local as far as possible. Which is fairly easy given all the great stores and markets in Gauteng. I expect the Bryanston Organic Market, Fruits and Roots, Organic Emporium and Camdeboo Farm may all play a role in our menu. 

 The event is next week Tuesday (5 June), so this week my task list is: 
 1. Get proper invites made, if possible from growing cards (you know, those ones that contain herb seeds) 
2. Find organic lemons and organic tomatoes and work on organic, home-made lemonade and a great tomato sauce that we can use on the day. We're thinking about an italian menu, probably home-made pasta/pizza so tomato sauce will be a cardinal ingredient. 

 I need to figure out a great dessert that I can make from all or mostly organic ingredients - suggestions in the comments would be great! I have lemons and herbs in my garden (including mint) so that would be great to use. My lemon tree doesn't have enough lemons for the lemonade so I may as well use it in the dessert. 

 Anyway, I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, check out Yuppiechef's facebook page, they have an official invite for the event on their page with some pictures from last year's events. The picture of our friends enjoying lunch on our patio is the one on the left.