Thursday, February 2, 2012

How can it be February already?!?

Wow. We're a month into 2012, and I haven't gotten used to the idea of 2012 yet. That was quick.

Anyway - a quick update (I'll try to write more over the weekend).

Things that are new in my life:
1. I have a new boss.

This bomb was dropped on me in my first week back after Christmas holidays, and hard to deal with because my old boss is such an awesome person. I learnt so much from her, she's a wonderful person and a fantastic manager and leader. We had awesome discussions about pretty much anything, and she's one of very few outspoken Christians in my area so that was very special.

She's not leaving the company, but she's moving on to doing things that she absolutely loves and I'm happy for her. She's also agreed to remain my mentor so that's FANTASTIC.

And as it turns out, my new boss is also awesome. We had a fantastic chat earlier in the week about my plans for the year and his ideas and thoughts for the area and we're very much in sync. So work-wise, I'm in a really good place, unexpectedly.

2. I am on a diet

Can you believe it? I'm actually (for the moment) following through on that resolution. What makes it really easy right now is the Myfitnesspal app - I'm logging everything I eat and it makes it much easier to make good food choices. I'm also exercising, and it's going well.

And the myfitnesspal app comment leads me right to:

3. I have a new phone

Finally! My previous phone was stolen 8 months ago and I've been making do with a very old borrowed phone from a friend. I'm grateful for the loan, because buying a new phone off the rack would have been very expensive, but WOW it's great to finally have a new one! It's the iPhone 4S and I love it! My first non-Nokia phone, and I'm never going back.

4. I started a new hobby: I'm sewing!

I used to sew my own clothes way back before I started working, but life kinda got in the way. Right now though I've realised that I need to have a creative hobby of some sort, and if I stick to baking the diet will never work out. So I've started making clothes for the kids again - will post a picture or two in a future post. It's great, I'm saving money and the kids feel spoilt so it's all good.

That's it in a nutshell, I think. Happy February, everyone!

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