Saturday, July 2, 2011

A little wine for the stomach

I know, I owe you a description of German chocolate cake. I've been procrastinating very busy lately so I'll get to it soon, promise! I just need to get the pictures off Hanno's phone and onto the computer.

In the meantime, let me share this little tidbit with you:

My brother found out on Friday evening that he got a job with Thoughtworks, a global IT consultancy. I'm so proud of him I can barely put it into words. I'll miss him terribly, he'll be moving from Johannesburg to Chicago in October, but he's dreamed of this for so long that I can't be anything but thrilled. Anyway, so we had a champagne breakfast on Saturday morning to celebrate, complete with a bottle of Moet & Chandon. I had a small glass and finished it, and then Jana played with my glass and managed to get a leftover drop into her hand and taste it. Queue screwed up face and disgusted comments.

Fast forward about 3 hours. We're in Outdoor Warehouse, shopping for camping stuff for our trip to the Kruger park later this week. Jana has been complaining of tummy cramps for a day or so, which we've been managing with diet etc. Then without warning she vomits her breakfast right in the middle of the store. I take her to the bathroom and leave Hanno to deal with the staff. After she's cleaned up and feeling better, she announces that she vomited because of the "wine" she drank!

Now here's the context: we've had 2 broken arms this year, one for each of the girls. These were the only broken limbs in their creche since we've been involved in the creche. Add to that a 4 year old who tells her teacher that she drank wine until she vomited and we're sure to have a call from someone with a badge and a uniform pretty soon...

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