Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Parenting - as viewed by my four year old

In the car on the way home this afternoon, Jana and I had a conversation about her friend John who had given another kid a nosebleed. It went on from there to why we shouldn't hit people, and then turned to adults hitting children and parents hitting children. Jana declared self-confidently that mommies and daddies never hit their kids (while I alternate between grinning and wiping away a few tears of joy that I could raise a child to 4 years old without even knowing that spanking exists). She then went on to say that I will NEVER hit her (correct), so I asked "and what if you do something REALLY REALLY bad? Will I hit you then?"
"No! Never!"
"What will I do if you do something really really bad?"
"You'll love me anyway!"

There are some days when parenting is hard work and difficult and tiring and I feel like the worst mommy in the world. Today is not one of those days.

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