Saturday, November 3, 2012

30 days of thanks: day 3

Day 3: Johannesburg weather

A slightly more light-hearted topic today: I am grateful to live in a city where the weather is this awesome.

Our winters are mild, with temperatures rarely going below freezing. And even then the days are generally sunny, and as long as you're dressed warm (i.e. long sleeves, a jacket and maybe a scarf) kids can play outside. And our summers, well, they're perfect! Perfect days, mild evenings, cool nights. Exhilirating thunderstorms, and not a breath of wind.

Today was Jana's birthday party. It was sunny and fair, not hot or cool. Just perfect. The birthday girl:

Isn't she stunning?




  1. That weather sounds pretty much perfect! I tend to think of Africa as being a hot desert, but your city sounds lovely.

    Happy Birthday to your beautiful Jana!

  2. She's beautiful! And what a great idea, 30 days of thanks. I think I am going to borrow that idea, if you don't mind! My attitude of gratitude has been somewhat lacking lately. Thanks for the reminder!
